#4. 20162016.01.01. 23:36, Mcrr
#3. Exploded.. just enough pls.2015.12.27. 02:24, Mcrr
Okay.. Today I was so annoyed, because everything is bad. I think I am so kindly and tolerance all the normal times, but there is some annoying thing what really makes me angry. I exploded. So the story. Me and my boyfriend was together since 4 years ago, and he has two daughter for his first marriage. I haven't got any child, I am too young for this. Irrevelant. So here she's 18 years old daughter who didn't do nothing all day. Yesterday my boyfriend gave her a full packet candies(szaloncukor?) for the Christmas tree, and I've got six candies for my mini white tree, because i have my own beautiful white tree♥ Irrevelant. So I put six candies for my tree, and today i noticed my every six candies are nowhere.. Really ? I said for her my candies was in my tree and they are nowhere now.. and she started laughing and said you ate them. Yes, that was the time when i really exploaded. Come on guys!!! We talk about fcking six candies, she had a full package of them.. why she stole mines?? We go down to the kitchen with my boyfriend and I can't controlled myself and i started to shout because that was the last thing. She stole my cigarettes, she stole my sony usb, she stole everything what mines. That's not fair! She eating everything, she doesn't care if you want to eat about for this later, just herself and i hate it. In this house doesn't care anyone, what things mine... I've had a face tonic and she used up all, or my hair balm. That is really annoying.. these things are mines, i bought them, i worked so much for them. She smoking a lot, eating everything, using everything, lights, computer, internet and don't earn money. We are in so big sh*t, and she know this, but she don't want to help us.. never cleaned, never washing up. She thinks I am a servant and today she huffised yet.. because how could i say the things about her. I think she heard when I am shouting, because she everytime beetle for the doors and listening all of us secrectly talkings. I think i lost my all hopes for a better life.
I am so sorry, but i haven't got an idea what i write for you today, and these things are makes me so sad.
Ne haragudjatook, hogy a hülyeségeimet kell olvasni ( vagyis hát nem tartok puskát...) de fölöttébb bosszantó dolog, amikor nem tartják tiszteletben az ember személyes holmijait, belekutakodnak mindenbe és még ő van felháborodva, ha az ember megjegyzést tesz. Egyébként ha szeretnétek vagy kíváncsiak vagytok a rendes blogomra, akkor megtaláljátok lentebb, de ott szinte az utolsó 5 poszt csak panasz áradat... de valahol ki kell adni-.-
#2. Christmas and movies.2015.12.24. 22:58, Mcrr
Hello my Sweethearts! Thanks for any help from you. So my boyfriends daugther came home, and in next to her, I don't have any time. All the same.. let's talk about another topic. Christmas is here and in this time i really don't feel nothing, about this. Christmas presents. For my brother I bought an old military gas mask, and he was so happy when i gave him. I can't understand why he loves these unusual things, but i don't care, I'm so happy because i could bought a thing what his love. Yesterday I got from him a warm bathrobe. This bathrobe was my first thing in my wish list, so i can't tell how glad I am. Today i was so tired, beacuse at night i worked. In the afternoon i slept four hours and I promise i feel reposeful. Now i watching movie it's called Intouchables I seen this movie earlier and i really loved it. It seems the movie is sad but for me it's not i can see behind the story, and that's a beautiful movie , about two different people. There is a rich but handicapped gentleman, and there is a Poor black guy, who hasn't got money, but he is enjoy his life. They will learn a lot of things from each other. The handicapped guy begins enjoy his life next to him. I don't want to take spoiler, i think everyone should see this movie.
Maybe, later i will come back.
Bye, Sweethearts.
#1. About me and my idea.2015.12.24. 03:48, Mcrr
Hello world! My name is Gee and i'm 21 years old-. First time i apologize for my bad english, but i really want to learn more and more, about this. So this blog is will be my online practice. In the elementary school i had a bad english teacher, who really hates me, and she didn't want to help me to understanding this language. The secondary school was worst than elementary because i didn't have the foundations of the language and the teacher was so excited about the graduation, and nobody cares her, just the exams. So in my life i never can learned well this language, but i really love this, and i want to speak, read and translate so perfectly.
In this time i would like to ask your help, to make my english better. I will writing posts about my days, my feeling and any other things because that's gonna be a great challenge for me.